Jean-Christophe Béchet
Né en 1964 à Marseille, Jean-Christophe Béchet vit et travaille à Paris depuis 1990. Ses travaux photographiques ont fait l’objet de nombreuses expositions et monographies dans lesquelles il mêle noir et blanc et couleur mais aussi différents formats. Il a publié de nombreux livres notamment aux éditions Trans Photographic Press (TPP). European Puzzle fait écho à l’ouvrage American Puzzle publié en 2011 chez TPP.
Sauvage matérialité
Jean-Christophe Béchet
In the 2000s, Jean-Christophe Béchet starts experimenting with photographic matter. With an interest in accident-born images, his experimentation of 20 years peaks with the hybridization of silver and digital techniques, whose inventive and striking results are compiled in this book.
Sauvage matérialité
22×28 cm, 150 pages, 120 reproductions, full cloth hardcover. Interviews with Héloïse Conésa et Thierry Bigaignon.
African Memories
Jean-Christophe Béchet
Cameroon, Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Nigeria, Algeria… In this deeply personal work, Jean-Christophe Béchet looks back thirty-five years on his first steps as a young photographer. This long-term work (three years of immersion), which he affectionately calls “my African years”, should have been his first book, but his personal and photographic life decided otherwise.
Few images circulated, the majority having remained in archive boxes all these years. Today, he has reworked his selection, seeking to find a new rhythm. He notes: “As we age, images change their status, some memories fade, others take over, some images take on greater force, others become repetitive and a little ‘cliché’. You have to be able to navigate between a kind of nostalgia (inevitable, since photography is also the art of the past) and a desire to build a contemporary work with photographs that are more than 35 years old”.
Most of the territories featured in African Memories are no longer accessible to French or European visitors. Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso, the countries that welcomed him so warmly with his backpack, are now closed places. This book is a vibrant tribute to Africa from a passionate photographer.
African Memories
22 x 28.5 cm, 128 pages, approx. 110 reproductions, full paper binded cover.
ISBN: 9782843141089