Les Modernes

Pascal Hausherr

What is « modernity » if not having no other preoccupation but to straightforwardly face the object, daring to see what we see ? For that aim, the horizontal format of the photographs imposed itself, as well as a telephoto lens as photographic optic. And then, formulated from the outset, a title, a book, and a given time — this of the third covid 19 pan(...)

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What is « modernity » if not having no other preoccupation but to straightforwardly face the object, daring to see what we see ? For that aim, the horizontal format of the photographs imposed itself, as well as a telephoto lens as photographic optic. And then, formulated from the outset, a title, a book, and a given time — this of the third covid 19 pandemy-linked lockdown, in 2021. What here acts, is the relationship between, the photographic space and reality, that is, the distance set between the operator and the object. To obtain a new image of reality is to speak of it in a renewed manner. Art in general and photography in particular are a matter of belief. There is an event when the object representation (the image) and the relationship to the subject (the spectator) are intertwined. At what point are we really engaging with History ? 


Les Modernes, 28x24cm, 136 pages, about 70 four color reproductions, full canvas binding. 

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