beaux livres : photo, architecture, art

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Femmes photographes. Dix ans de luttes pour sortir de l’ombre.

This book is the retelling of a decade (2013-2023) of activism for women photographers’ recognition in places of artistic expression and media, which profoundly changed the photography world by opening it to more diversity. For this testimonial-story, Sylviane Van de Moortele met several actors of the cultural sphere at the time (artists, institutions…), both strongly opposed to change and in favor of it. The book especially focuses on photographer Marie Docher’s activist journey, also known as Vincent David, author of the Atalantes & Cariatides blog.

Nouvelles du Paradis. La carte postale de vacances

Since the end of the 19th century, postcards have played an essential role in the pictorial representation of territories. Initially linked to migration, they gradually became a vacation ritual with the rise of paid leaves and mass tourism. Nouvelles du paradis takes an original, dual approach to the postcard, considering it both as an object of correspondence and as an industrialized, editorialized item. Conceived as a reference work, this book links various disciplines’ (history, sociology, ethnology, contemporary art) contributions to paint a very complete picture of the evolution of this popular yet almost extinct medium.