beaux livres : photo, architecture, art

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Istanbul. Will you still love me tomorrow

Istanbul, Will you still love tomorrow is a photographic journey through a black-and-white Istanbul, far from tourist clichés. Jehsong Baak set out to capture the tender moments, encounters and skin-touching of the people of Istanbul in this city at the crossroads of Asia and Europe. Cultures cross throughout the book, oscillating between tradition and modernity, religion and secularism. Jehsong Baak’s gentle eye brings together the differences and antagonisms of contemporary Istanbul, where the great tenderness of the Turkish people still prevails. This book is a true declaration of love to the city and its inhabitants.

Répliques. Mayotte en république

Mayotte is rich of a thousand cultural and geographical specificities, which have fascinated photographer Frank Tomps ever since he discovered this magnificent territory. In 2011, Mayotte became France’s 101st department, leading to a rapid and fragmented societal restructuring and ultimately, an explosive social and political climate fueled by the demographic crisis and the desire for a metropolitan lifestyle. Franck Tomps aims to understand this historical transition as much as to explain it through his photographic work, the first of its kind on the territory.


Psychorama compiles more than 200 photographs taken by Patrick Weidmann over the last twenty years. His gaze has always focused on a world made of objects, consumption-devoted spaces, waiting rooms, all shimmering with lights and mirrors and striped of human presence… As if the artist transported his reader beyond an advertising screen, into a world where nothing is left of humanity but its commercial imprint and vanity. The book’s layout reinforces this projection into a familiar yet dystopian universe, where overconsumption has taken over.


This monography revisits the work photographer Claire Chevrier has been leading for the past twenty years around a reoccurring question: how to represent a space? Or, more precisely: how to represent a space in a photographic frame? The artist’s concern towards the organization of the real can be found in her project on scenic spaces as well as in another one considering the city as décor, with an interest for the way bodies move through a defined yet beyond their reach space.

Le moindre souffle

Sandra Rocha drew inspiration from Ovid’s Metamorphoses for the conception and selection of photographs for this book. While the classic author sets out the entirety of the myths in which humans or gods transform into other natural beings, Sandra Rocha captures the animal, vegetable and mineral worlds and relates them to each other in a cosmogonic way, which allows her to question how live beings can interact with one another while being intrinsically linked to the whole, like in a new Eden.

Wild Rumors

Wild Rumors takes its origins in Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick; or The Whale published in 1851. Seen as a critical-thinking tool fit to tackle the contemporary world and as a map of our own movements, this novel constituted the filter of the shared experience and research lead both in France and in Detroit (MI) since 2016. This book tests and verifies the intuition according to which Melville’s novel, its factory-ship, obsessional captain and disciplined crew foreshadowed the world in which we live. Preferring the fictionalization over the compiling of research results, the book links fiction, field experience and research in art and human sciences. What could the “white whale” Achab longed for be today? Have those who witnessed the disaster seen it? Do they know where the ship is, or what happened to its crew?